Tổng quan các tuần lễ

  • Basic information about the course

    Name of the course: Subversive threats

    Extent of the course: 36 hours (18 hours of lectures + 16 hours of seminars + 2h credit seminar)

    Credits: 3

    Way of completing the course: credit

    Guarantor: Mgr. Dominika Kosárová, Ph.D.

    Other lecturers: Mgr. Richard Stojar, Ph.D., Mgr. et Mgr. Jakub Fučík Ph.D., Mgr. Miroslava Pačková, PhD., Mgr. Adam Potočňák, PhD.

    Study guide:

    The course deals with the issue of subversive threats (those that undermine the stability of state and society). Individual topics will be presented during the lectures followed by interactive seminars where students will get acquainted with the topics more in depth.

    Below, each topic has its own section. Students are required to read the introduction to the topic before each lecture, and prepare for the seminars based on the instructions (in the respective sections below). Each topic is accompanied by the list of sources (articles, videos, podcasts, etc.). Required sources are needed to prepare adequately for the final test. They include a PowerPoint presentation, which will be uploaded shortly before the lecture. Recommended sources are for those students interested to learn more about the topic, and their study is voluntary. Some topics also contain “sources for your leisure time”, which serve to learn about the topic in a more entertaining way (films, series, non-fiction literature).

    Conditions for a successful completion of the course:

    The course is completed with a credit. Its acquisition is based on the evaluation of two criteria: a written test on the lectured topics and active participation during the seminars. To pass the course, it is necessary to achieve at least 50% from each criterium. The final test is carried out at the credit seminar and reflects on the lectures and required sources. 

    Introduction to the course (presentation)

  • Theoretical framework of subversive threats

  • Subversive activities of state actors

  • Political extremism

  • Sects, cults and subversive ideologies

  • Terrorism I

  • Terrorism II

  • Cyber subversion

  • Information warfare

  • Paramilitary and militia groups