Osnova témat

  • Úvod


    Reg. No. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0326

    Subject: Service Mangement of Military Equipment and Material
    Form of study: full-time
    Subjetc´s goals: Study of the subject is focused to ensuring operation of military equipment, ensure of fuel and special technical management. There is provided a comprehensive presentation of requirements, procedures and recommendations.
    Learning outcomes:
    • skills:

    The students:

    • Using of the military equipment and material and other kinds of equipment, operation of traffic control on road and of roads, methodology of operation of a military control service; 
    • Manage performance of different types of maintenance, including storage and preparation VTM on seasonal operation
      Organization of military parks equipment, the principles enforcement of the rules and requirements of the fuel quality control system, system for the creation, sustainment and fuel consumption,  the principles of safe fuel handling 
    • abilities:

    The students:

    • The ability application the methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the operation of military vehicles,
    • generate report of serviceability,
    • implement procedures for solving traffic accidents and other events misdemeanours in traffic,
    • use subsystem maintenance equipment and armament, weekly plans, orders for the use of equipment, planning out of fuel,
    • evaluating the operation MEM, to create and maintain a register of property authority MU 3.0,
    • use and propose the possibility of using mobile means for refilling fuel,
    • enforce rules, standards and limits operation MEM,
    • implement precautions of technical supervision
    • competences:

    The graduates in the subject:

    • The ability independently and responsibly to make decisions in area of operation of military equipment for separate organizational units MOD.
    Subject continuity: The course builds on Logistics Management and Organization
    Conditions for successful completion of the course:
    • Seminar work and evaluation
    • Continuous tests
    • Processing of presentations
    • Credit hour workout
    • Exam
    Basic literature:
    • Č.j.: 6272-2/2006/DP-3042. Směrnice pro používání pozemní vojenské techniky AČR v míru. Praha: GŠ AČR, 2006.
    • MAREŠ, J. a EIS, K. Management údržby pozemní vojenské techniky AČR. [Skriptum UO] Brno 2008. S. 96. ISBN 978- 80- 7231-577-2
    • Č.j.: 22815/11/2001-1200. Směrnice pro používání pozemní vojenské techniky AČR v polních podmínkách. Praha: GŠ AČR, 2001.
    • Všeob-P-5. Parky vojenské techniky v působnosti Ministerstva obrany a provoz v nich. Praha: MO, 2003.
    • Č.j.:6272-1/2005/DP-3042. Směrnice ukládání vojenského materiálu. Praha: Sekce podpory MO, 2005.
    • Č.j.: 60146-22/2005/DP-3818-SMMU. Vojenské jakostní specifikace pohonných hmot, maziv a provozních kapalin. Praha: MO, 2006.
    • Log-2-4. Vojskové opravy pozemní vojenské techniky. Praha: MO, 2002.
    • FURCH, J. a GLOS, J. Opravy a zabezpečení materiálem BSV, část 4. [Skriptum UO] Brno 2010. S. 101. ISBN 978- 80- 7231-545-5.
    • ZAJÍČEK, V.; ZELENÁK, M. Hospodaření s materiálem vybraných majetkových uskupení. [Skripta]. Brno : 2012, 99 s. ISBN 978-80-7231-891-9
    • NV MO č. 7/2012, Kontrolní systém a kontrola jakosti PHM v rezortu Ministerstva obrany, Praha: MO, 2012.
    Recommended readings:
    • Zákon č. 56/2001 Sb. o podmínkách provozu vozidel na pozemních komunikacích a o změně zákona č. 168/1999 Sb., o pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu způsob
    • Č.j.: 10769/6/2003-1200. Směrnice náčelníka sekce logistiky GŠ. Povolené prostředky pro ukládání a skladování výzbroje, techniky a materiálu AČR. Prah
    • MAREŠ, J. Význam managementu používání a údržby. In MAREŠ, J. Sborník II. konference “Management používání a údržby vojenských vozidel a techniky“.
    • URBÁNEK, K. Řízení používání pozemní vojenské techniky velitelem jednotky v míru. [Skripta UO S- 3591]. Brno 2004.
  • Topic 1: T1 Kinds and categories of military vehicles

    All components of the armed forces are using to their activities larger or smaller number of road, combat, support or special vehicles.



    1. Armoured vehicles

    2. Military vehicles and requirement for military vehicles

    3. Requirements for support vehicles

    4. The categorization of military vehicles

    5. The categorization of military vehicles according to purpose

    6. Combat vehicles of AČR

    7. Support vehicles of AČR

  • Topic 2 - T 2 - The use of MG equipment and other techniques

    The most common are terrain vehicles :

    1. Structure of wheeled and tracked vehicles and the basic logistics data

    2. Operation of ACR vehicles and its definition

    3. System of operation GME in ACR

    4. Basic terms – operational units, mileage of equipment

  • T 3 - The use of MGE equipment and other techniques

    Using equipment in the peace time must be organized in accordance with the plan of combat training, in accordance with current laws, orders and regulations, and always within the limits of the applicable operating standards.

    1. The use of military equipment in peace time, the definition of use

    2. Conditions for use of vehicles

    3. The classification of equipment to the groups

    4. The operator of the vehicle, the user of the vehicle

    5. Ride of the military vehicles, passenger transportation

  • Topic 4:T 4 - Control of operation on the roads, activities methodology

    The commander of vehicle has authority over all persons in the vehicle

    1. The commander of military vehicle

    2. Signals for guiding of vehicles

    3. Management of operation

    4. Member of military traffic police and his activities

  • Topic 5:T 5 - Procedures of traffic accidents solution

    Each participant of road traffic is required to proceed according to generally accepted legal transcripts when traffic accident arises.

    1. Cargo transportation

    2. The columns of vehicles

    3. Traffic accidents

    4. Solution of damage

  • Topic 6:T6 Planning and reporting documentation for use

    Correct technical condition and reliability of GME are based premises of successful fulfillment of task of Czech army.

    1. Documents in relation with operation on logistic company level.

    2. The maintenance of equipment

    3. Basic kinds of maintenance.

    4. The maintenance system of the Czech Republic army (ACR).

    5. Kinds of maintenance and theirs content and time to perform.

    6. Records and archiving the data of maintenance

  • Topic 7:T7 Planning and reporting documentation for use, maintenance and repairs

    Range of works of different kinds of maintenance is set for every type of equipment by technological procedures.

    1. Basic maintenance – range and persons responsibility

    2. Fundamental maintenance conducted in field

    3. Documentation management after realized maintenance

    4. Maintenance in field

    5. Obligations of commanders during maintenance

  • Topic 8:T8 Planning and reporting documentation for use, maintenance and repairs

    In vehicles of Army of Czech Republic are as secondary sources of electrical energy the lead accumulators.

    1. Maintenance of accumulators
    2. Others activities during the maintenance in field
    3. Organization and management of maintenance
    4. Organizational support of maintenance
    5. Order for maintenance performance

  • Topic 9:T 9 Planning and reporting documentation for use, maintenance and repairs

    Due to specific tasks and organization of the operation are not obliged to deliver the vehicle operator to regular technical inspection and emission measurements on all vehicles of the armed forces.

    1. Implementation of vehicle inspections Armed Forces STC and SME
    2. Implementation of the revisions specified technical equipment in vehicles armed forces
    3. Safety, anti-fire and ecological precautions during maintenance GME

  • Topic 10: T10 The overall precautions for ensuring the operability of equipment

    When using equipment deviation from their proper technical condition.

    1. Repairs of the ground military equipment in ACR
    2. The kinds of repairs
    3. Levels of repairs
    4. Management of repairs

  • Topic 11:T11 Summary of precaution for ensuring the operability equipment

    Elementary document for planning repairs is perspective plan of GO.

    1. Documentation for planning of repairs
    2. Methods of work
    3. Take over a hand over equipment for repair
    4. Field repairs

  • Topic 12:T12 Summary of precaution for ensuring the operability equipment

    Executing the special kinds of maintenance is related to the equipment for which is its execution determined by military regulations.

    1. Special kinds of maintenance
    2. Preparation of the equipment for the seasonal operation
    3. Execution plan and its processing for the seasonal operation

  • Topic 13: T13 Summary of precaution for ensuring the operability equipment

    Special types of maintenance are carried out as in peace, so in the field and belongs to the flagship for the conservation of fighting abilities equipment.

    1. Other specific methods of maintenance
    2. Maintenance after overcoming water obstacles
    3. Maintenance after use in particularly difficult conditions
    4. Additional technical maintenance
    5. Maintenance after use of weapons
    6. Maintenance during storage

  • Topic 14:T14 Management of perform of individual kinds of maintenance, including storage

    The goal of the storage is to limit the influence of physical aging on the GME.

    1. Storage of military equipment
    2. Principles for the classification GME into groups
    3. Types of storage (Short-term storage, long-term storage)
    4. The organization works for the storage
    5. Documents of stored equipment

  • Topic 15:T15 Management of perform of individual kinds of maintenance, including storage and preparation GME on seasonal operation.

    Corrosion of metals is chemical or chemical-physical process of the interaction metal-environment.

    1. Corrosion of the material

    2. Definition of the term and concept of corrosion
    3. Corrosion - characteristic of depreciation classification of the corrosion
    4. Corrosion and kinds of attack
    5. Effect of environment on corrosion
    6. Principles of protection against corrosion
    7. Preservative materials
    8. Possibilities of reduction and elimination of losses

  • Topic 16:T16 Management of perform of individual kinds of maintenance, including storage and preparation GME on seasonal operation.

    Methods and means of protection equipment techniques and materials from deterioration.

    1. Basic provisions
    2. Overview of storage methods
    3. The material storage inside vehicles
    4. The storage of spare parts
    5. Technological procedures of storage
    6. Directions for health protection during storage

  • Topic 17:T17 Efficiency of operation of military vehicles, reporting GME of serviceability.

    Long-term storage – general establishment.

    1. Long-term storage – general establishment
    2. Management of preparation for long term storage
    3. Technical facilities for protection against degradation
    4. Technical means for storage
    5. Explanation of equipment storage
    6. Book of stored equipment
    7. Preservative device PK-1

  • Topic 18:T18 Efficiency of operation of military vehicles, reporting GME of serviceability.

    The armed forces are given to specific tasks and organization of operating,

    1. Perform of emission checks
    2. Execute of technical check
    3. Station of technical check and paperwork of documentation
    4. Evaluation of vehicle technical condition

  • Topic 19: T19 Methods requiring of repair from the unit and relevant flow of spare parts to a specified repair

    Supplies of all kinds of military material are created to secure living, training and readiness.

    1. Spare parts requirements and their flows
    2. The repair methods of military equipment
    3. Repairs of military equipment
    4. Planning of equipment and material repairs

  • Topic20:T20 Methods requiring of repair from the unit and relevant flow of spare parts to a specified repair

    The basic documentation for requesting and managing of repairs include many items.

    1. Methods requiring of repairs
    2. Repair equipment, - the requirements for permanent workshop
    3. Requirements imposed on mobile workshop
    4. Organization, facilities and manufacturing capabilities of permanent workshop
    5. Organization, facilities and manufacturing capabilities of mobile workshop
    6. Evaluation of state of procedures
    7 Operations and handling with material

  • Topic 21:T21 Parks of military equipment

    In fleets of military equipment is used individual method for organization of vehicle operation.

    1. Parks of equipment, usage and kinds
    2. Permanent parks
    3. Installation of parks of equipment (furnish)
    4. Garaging of vehicles in the park
    5. Organization of operation in parks

  • Topic 22:T22 Parks of military equipment

    The parks equipment must fulfill all requirements for parking, maintenance, repair and protect vehicles against damage. Must as well be organized and parks field.

    1. The normal mode and movement in the military park, departure and return.
    2. Field parks of equipment - the purpose and organization.
    3. Organization of maintenance in the field park of equipment
    4. The precautions in field parks of equipment

  • Topic 23: T23 Parks of military equipment

    Professional solider and civil employee from own unit may enter in area of park after proof of identity.

    1. Organizing of go into park of military equipment
    2. Manners of equipment preparing to check by chief of CTS
    3. Move and navigation of equipment in parks
    4. The build the columns of and giving orders for move

  • Topic 24: T24 Parks of military equipment and final seminart

    Main areas of machinery park, requisites and buildings of optimal military machinery

    1. Recapitulation of military parks of equipment.

    2. Execute final examination of main topics discussed by based on written test.
    3. To perform theoretical preparation before practical training.

  • Topics 25: T25 Final evaluation

    Evaluation period for students

  • Grade/semestr:4/8: Final exam

    Evaluation oraly and by writen test.

  • Topic 1: T1- 4/8 sem Special technical supervision in the Army of the Czech Republic

    Technical supervision is „summary of operations which is secure to validate safety of designated technical appliances.“

    1. Special technical supervision (STS)
    2. Professional technical supervision of pressure equipment (what are high pressure bottles, revision point, user´s obligation)
    3. Professional technical supervision of gas equipment

  • Topic 2: T2- 4/8 sem Records of STS.

    Metrology is a discipline that deals with rates of to determine the size of various technical and physical quantities and their measurement.

    1. Main objectives and tasks of metrological support services
    2. Definitions used terms
    3. Management and executive authorities
    4. Executive means
    5. Organization and obligations of metrological support services
    6. User of gauges

  • 3. T - Crude oil, it‘s mining, transport and treatment

    Course Objectives:     Acquaint students with system of Crude oil’s mining and it’s treatment and explain them evolution of crude oil consumption, it’s supplies and influence of crude oil’s top

  • 4. T - Fuels - attributes, uses and trends

    Course Objectives:

    Make students known about Crude oil processing clarify ways of producing PH

  • 5. T - Oils, lubricants and fluids

    Course Objectives:    

    Meet the methods of manufacture lubricants and fuels Clarify the method of marking and evaluation of lubricants

  • 6. T - Refueling trucks of PLO

    Course Objectives:    

    Make students known with the system of Mobile equipment of PLO operating, clarify them performance and transport characteristics.

  • 7. T - Pumps, flowmeters, dispensers, filtration equipment

  • 8. T - Refueling trucks of PLO

    Course Objectives:

    Make students known with the operation of mobile equipment of PLO, clarify them performance and transport characteristics.



  • 9. T - Tanks, dispensers, fuses and armatures

    Course Objectives:

    Make students known with the operation of mobile equipment of PLO, clarify them performance and transport characteristics.



  • 10. T - Filter equipment, Immovable infrastructure of PLO

    Course Objectives:    

    Make students known with special equipment and decives of PLO warehouses operation, practicaly exercise the controls of  chosen equipment.

  • 11. T - Organization and C2 of class supply III

    Course Objectives:    

    Tell students about special equipment of PLO warehouse maintenance, for liquid filtration, practicaly realize.

  • 12. T - Management of documentation in class of supply III

    Course Objectives:    

    Tell students about main objectives and aspects of MU 3.0, clarify guide of basic operation documents of MU 3.0 manager.

  • 13. T - Management of documentation in class of supply III

    Education goal:

    Tell students about main planning and evaluation documents of classes of supply 3.0 , clarify them basic operation and evidence documents of managers of classes of suppy 3.0.

  • 14. T - Principles for the inventory of fuels - disposals

    Course Objectives:    

    Show the general principles of the realization of the inventory Clarify the peculiarities inventory POL

  • 15. T - Rules for inventorying of PLO

    Course Objectives:    

    Practice managing of inventorying documents, closing of accounting and evidence documents.

  • 16. T - The organization of POL warehouse – management documentation

    Course Objectives:     

    Show the basic functions and tasks of the warehouse POL, state the function and organization of basic structural elements of warehouses equipment and management of documents learn the basic period of operations inspection visits

  • 17. T - Operation efficiency of GFV

    Course Objectives:     

    Describe the system of effectiveness in the civil environment a in the Army of the Czech Reublic, explain systematic differences To teach the application of method of assessing the effectiveness

  • 18. T - Operation efficiency of GFV

    Course Objectives:    

    Describe the system of effectiveness in the civil environment a in the Army of the Czech Reublic, explain systematic differences To teach the application of method of assessing the effectiveness

  • 19. T - OSH Risk management

    Course Objectives:    

    Describe the principles of OSH management

  • 20. T - Risk assessment in branch of fuel

    Course Objectives:    

    To explain the basics of OSH management

  • 21. T - Quality management

    Course Objectives:    

    Clarify the principles of quality management and clarify processes degrading the quality of security POL

  • 22. T - Quality management tools in POL

    Education goal:

    Describe the principles of quality management, quality disturbance clarify processes in the field of security POL To learn how to apply selected methods for assessing processes in the control system of quality POL

  • 23. T - Czech Republic's oil security and influence on Czech Army

    Course Objectives:    

    To acquaint students with primary energy sources and oil supply system of the Czech Republic. Explain the measures and their impact on the functioning of the Czech Republic and Czech Army in oil emergency

  • 24. T - Final seminar

    Course Objectives:    

    Create your own performances in the specified standard

  • 25. T – Recovering of GME

    1. Pick up the equipment and move them on area for practical training
    2. Practical training consist of – self recovering, recovering and evacuation of immobile equipment
    3. Maintenance after use.

  • 26. T – Maintenance of GME

    1. Methodological picking up equipment from park, including entering into park equipment.
    2. The practical activities in navigation of equipment, training activities under the supervision of a military traffic control service
    3. Exhibition of practical activities of the Chief of technical check station at his post.
    4. Practical putting into practice of the various kinds of fundamental maintenance.