On 14 December 1995 the General Framework Agreement for Peace was signed in Paris, after it had been negotiated in Dayton, Ohio. The document states:
“Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia agree to fully respect the sovereign equality of one another and to settle disputes by peaceful means.
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina recognize each other, and agree to discuss further aspects of their mutual recognition.
The parties agree to fully respect and promote fulfilment of the commitments made in the various Annexes, and they obligate themselves to respect human rights and the rights of refugees and displaced persons.
The parties agree to cooperate fully with all entities, including those authorized by the United Nations Security Council, in implementing the peace settlement and investigating and prosecuting war crimes and other violations of international humanitarian law.“ [12]
On 16 December the Alliance's North Atlantic Council started the largest military operation ever undertaken by the Alliance, Operation Joint Endeavour.
Based on UN Security Council Resolution 1031, NATO was given the mandate to implement the military aspects of the Peace Agreement. The military aspects covered these problems:
“The ceasefire that began with the agreement of October 5, 1995 will continue.
Foreign combatant forces currently in Bosnia are to be withdrawn within 30 days.
The parties must complete withdrawal of forces behind a zone of separation of approximately 4 km within an agreed period. Special provisions relate to Sarajevo and Gorazde.
As a confidence-building measure, the parties agree to withdraw heavy weapons and forces to cantonment/barracks areas within an agreed period and to demobilize forces which cannot be accommodated in those areas.
The agreement invites into Bosnia and Herzegovina a multinational military Implementation Force, the IFOR, under the command of NATO, with a grant of authority from the UN.
The IFOR will have the right to monitor and help ensure compliance with the agreement on military aspects and fulfil certain supporting tasks. The IFOR will have the right to carry out its mission vigorously, including with the use of force as necessary. It will have unimpeded freedom of movement, control over airspace, and status of forces protection.
A Joint Military Commission is established, to be chaired by the IFOR Commander. Persons under indictment by the International War Crimes Tribunal cannot participate.
Information on mines, military personnel, weaponry and other items must be provided to the Joint Military Commission within agreed periods.
All combatants and civilians must be released and transferred without delay in accordance with a plan to be developed by the International Committee of the Red Cross.“ [13]
A NATO-led multinational force, called the Implementation Force (IFOR), started its mission on 20 December 1995. IFOR was given a one-year mandate.
Its primary mission was to put across Military Aspects of the Peace Agreement. It accomplished its principal military tasks by causing and maintaining the termination of hostilities; separating the armed forces of the Bosniac [14] - Bosnian Croat Entity (the Federation) and the Bosnian - Serb Entity (the Republika Srpska) by mid-January 1996; transferring areas between the two Entities by mid March; and, finally, moving the Parties' forces and heavy weapons into approved sites, which was realized by the end of June. For the remainder of the year IFOR continued to patrol along the 1,400 km long demilitarized Inter-Entity Boundary Line and periodically inspected over 800 sites containing heavy weapons and other equipment. In performing these tasks it opened 2,500 km of roads, repaired or replaced over 60 bridges, and freed up Sarajevo airport and key railway lines.
Due to IFOR's early success, a secure environment was established. This enabled the High Representative (nominated at the London Peace Implementation Conference of 8-9 December 1995) and other organizations to start their work with regard to the implementation of the civil aspects of the peace agreement. It also enabled creating conditions in which the return to normal life could begin in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Within the limits of its mandate and available resources, IFOR provided essential support to the High Representative and to the other organizations. One important element was the priority support given to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in preparing and conducting the September 1996 elections.

[13]- http://www.nato.int/ifor/gfa/gfa-summ.htm
[14]- Bosniac – Bosnian Muslim
Posledná zmena: piatok, 4 februára 2011, 13:32