The North Atlantic Council, the Defence Planning Committee, and the Nuclear Planning Group have comparable authority for matters within their specific areas of competence. They are the principal policy and decision-making institutions of NATO.

The Defence Planning Committee (DPC)
It consists of Permanent Representatives. It meets at the level of Defence Ministers at least twice a year. During the meetings they deal with most defence matters and subjects that concern collective defence planning. With the exception of France, all member countries are represented in this forum. The Defence Planning Committee provides guidance to NATO's military authorities and, within the area of its responsibilities, has the same functions and attributes and the same authority as the North Atlantic Council on matters within its competence. The work of the Defence Planning Committee is prepared by a number of subordinate committees with specific responsibilities and in particular by the Defence Review Committee, which oversees the Force Planning Process within NATO and examines other issues relating to the Integrated Military Structure.

Nuclear Planning Group (NPG)
The Defence Ministers of member countries who take part in NATO's Defence Planning Committee meet regularly in the Nuclear Planning Group, where they deal with specific policy issues associated with nuclear forces. These discussions contain a broad range of nuclear policy matters, e.g. the safety, security and survivability of nuclear weapons, communications and information systems, deployment issues and wider questions of common concern (as nuclear arms control and nuclear proliferation). The Alliance's nuclear policy is kept under review and decisions are taken jointly. They are modified or adapted in the light of new developments. Planning and consultation procedures are updated and adjusted. The work of the Nuclear Planning Group is prepared by a NPG Staff Group composed of members of the national delegations of countries participating in the NPG. It meets regularly once a week and even more often if necessary.

NATO's command structure is composed of the North Atlantic Council, Defence Planning Committee, Nuclear Planning Group and the Military Committee. The Military Committee is composed of the military representatives of each NATO member state. This body discusses major operations, formulates strategy and deals with other military issues. The Military Committee is primarily supported by the International Military Staff (350 military personnel). Its task is to assess, to plan recommendations and to provide recommendations to the Military Committee.
Last modified: Friday, 4 February 2011, 1:32 PM