Guantanamo: is the time to forgive and forget? Presstv Yvonne Ridley The Agenda p1


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Nahráno uživatelem dne 24. 01. 2009

Barack Obama has pledged to close Guantanamo Bay prison and end its war crimes tribunals. His announcement has welcomed by human rights groups around the world. The panelist, among them ex-Gitmo prisoners, criticized US approach to held detainees without trials in prison for a several years.
Some 250 detainees are still in Guantanamo. The facility of the prison costs $60m a year and requires the attention of 2200 soldiers and sailors.


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  • dear mom i know you won't forgive me but i have no idea what to do and what not to do . i don't know how long i have to live live with tribe . mom you said you would come yesterday with dady to take me and i was waiting and felt in sleep . i have no hope only my hope you to take me . mom you hidden from me for 31 years but my feeling is same . 1 thing i want to say i want big house .

  • Dear yvonne yusuf chambers talk about you on sami yusuf song video.

  • Dear yvonne more then thousand year ago i still remember the ice.

  • way america does't close gaontanamo bay, it's a political game with muslim.

  • lol "al kayda",what an other farce

    this is not a conflict that goes back to 9/11. it goes WAY BACK in history. and even if 9/11 was perpitrated by muslims (which is highly fictional) what gives america the right to torture people and extract false information from people who where SUSPECTS (not proven war criminals). on top of that they actully dare to say america was "under threat",from whom? people "hiding in caves"?sadam who wasnt even anywhere near europe let alone america?

    what a joke

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